Hi everyone,
Its business as usual in Japan. I have bought a new big tank for my turtles and they are happy. I catch them frequently experiencing turtle-bliss. I have also got two frogs in a smaller tank. They are bright green and quite neat. They climb around alot on their suction cap feeties. I've been becoming acquainted with numerous foreign food delights such as instant japanese noodles in a cup (just add water), japanese norimaki and various interesting beverages. I'm living mainly on muesli and bread and jam with rice and vegetables for dinner. Tofu is really cheap here, just $1 for a big block of tasteless white curd mmmm. I'm getting my konichi was and ohayoo gozaimasu's down now like a true japanese person and can almost half understand the inane variety shows on television, mainly because its mostly practical joking!
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