Friday, September 03, 2004

the heat death of the universe.

The energy decays into subatomic vibrations which vibrate at certain frequencies. These frequencies decay further until they become heat radiating in the cool depths of deep space, eventually condensing to an eternal stasis.


I was thinking recently about love. Maybe love is all that we need. Love transcends cultural and social boundaries and embraces the whole of creation. If there is love then there is happiness. Jesus once said "love one another as I have loved you. If you have love for one another, people will know that you are my disciples" 
Love constitutes the relationship between the self and God. Love contains every individual spirit soul as it journeys through the cosmos. we are all eternal living entites, intricately entwined in the fabric of space and time. Making our way, through each and every day. I believe it is love that sustains us, love that is all around us. in the whisper of wind through the trees and the light summer breeze on grasses. Love is free and without condition. "...see a world in a grain of sand, heaven in a wildflower. To hold infinity in the palm of ones hand, eternity in an hour..

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